
Wickford Junction is a 450,000 sq. ft. Wal-Mart anchored, mixed-use transit oriented development located in N. Kingstown, RI. The parking garage is adjacent to a commuter rail service station. The management found that there was a demand from the patrons for electrical vehicle charging stations.


The facility wanted to be able to charge 10 vehicles at the same time.  These charging stations would be located on the first level of the parking facility and would provide charging for the local commuters.


Our recommendation was for Wickford Junction to install 5 of our JuiceBar Quad charging stations with a point of sale system.  Each Quad has two Level 2 chargers and 2 Level 1 chargers.


The 5 JuiceBar Quad Chargers provided 10 Level 2 charging ports and 10 Level 1 charging ports.  Installation charges were reduced because they were able to install 5 charging stations instead of 10 separate charging stations, yet still have the desired number of charging ports, plus an additional 10 Level 1 charging ports.  The installation was successfully completed on the first floor of the parking facility.  The project was quoted on April 20th, 2012, with the order placed on April 25th, 2012.  We customized the charging stations with their company logo and delivered the product on May 16th with installation completed by May 30th, 2012.

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