No Longer In Business


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Made in USA

Drive American innovation, power your future with us

JuiceBar is one of the few companies in the US to design, manufacture and assemble commercial-grade EV chargers. Our limited supply chain issues allow us to ship our chargers out in as little as four weeks.

Benefits of Partnering With A Made in USA Manufacturer

Buy America Compliant

JuiceBar commercial grade EVchargers are confirmed to be a “domestic manufactured good” and is currently 70% materials/labor Made in America. All major components are confirmed and the remaining cost on the BOM can almost fully fall under a waiver for either domestic nonavailability or unreasonable domestic cost. JuiceBar EV electric vehicle charging stations are a listed UL entity within the United States.

Our commercial EV chargers also qualify for charging incentives nationwide and provide unbeatable value to property owners, enabling them to efficiently reach their sustainability goals.