Massachusetts Awards $2 Million in EV Grants: Juice Bar EV Customers Win 35% of Grants

BOSTON — The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that 85 grants totaling more than $2 million have been awarded to 49 entities across the Commonwealth for the installation of 195 Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations as part of the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program’s (MassEVIP) Public Access Charging (PAC) initiative. The awards were announced by MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg at a MassEVolves ceremony recognizing companies, utilities and universities that are leading on investing in clean transportation.

“By putting the infrastructure in place to ensure the reliability of electric vehicles and encourage electric vehicle adoption, we can lower transportation costs for families and businesses, enhance the Commonwealth’s economic competitiveness and improve the environment,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration is proud to work with our municipal and private partners to build a cleaner, more resilient transportation system.”

“The communities, organizations and companies participating in MassEVIP and MassEVolves are taking an important step in the deployment of electric vehicle infrastructure, helping to make Massachusetts a national leader in addressing climate change and improving our air quality,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito.

The MassEVIP PAC program provides grants covering 80 percent of the cost to acquire and install publicly accessible Level 2 EV charging stations, up to $6,250 per port. This round of funding supports the installation of 368 EV charging ports across the Commonwealth.

“The transportation sector accounts for about one-third of the greenhouse gases emitted in Massachusetts, so the deployment of more electric vehicles and EV charging stations is an important step towards helping the Commonwealth achieve our ambitious climate goals,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “While anyone with an electric plug can fuel their car at home, access to public charging increases the electric miles that can be driven and is critical to the success of the electric vehicle market.”

The $2 million is part of the first cycle of spending from the state’s $75 million share of the Environmental Mitigation Trust established under the 2016 settlement between Volkswagen (VW) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). To further deploy EV charging infrastructure in the Commonwealth, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) also offers the MassEVIP Workplace and Multi-Unit Dwelling Charging programs, both of which are currently open and accepting applications.

In furtherance of the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to electric vehicle deployment, an amendment to the Massachusetts Volkswagen Settlement Beneficiary Mitigation Plan (BMP) has been released for public comment and is now under review by MassDEP. The Plan commits the Commonwealth to designating all of the allowed 15 percent of the VW funding to EV charging infrastructure, totaling approximately $11.25 million.

“The electrification of our transportation sector will help move local communities and the Commonwealth one step closer to a cleaner, more environmentally friendly future,” said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “The adoption of electric vehicles relies on a readily available charging network, and the MassEVIP programs will help to expand the system of EV charging ports across the state.”

Now in its second year, MassEVolves is an innovative public-private partnership that has grown to include utilities and higher education institutions. Program participants recognized today include AstraZeneca, Analog Devices, EMD Millipore Sigma, EMD Serono, Boston Properties, Energy New England, Braintree Electric Light Department, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Worcester State University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Bristol Community College, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Bard College at Simon’s Rock.

In addition, to further expand the Commonwealth’s EV readiness, Massachusetts is working on a regional level with the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) and the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States’ Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) to support the placement of EVs and charging stations throughout the region, and to enhance the economic benefits associated with these vehicles.

“Improving access to charging facilities is an essential strategy to reducing carbon emissions from transportation, and this grant will allow Gloucester, Hamilton, and Ipswich to take important steps to advance that strategy,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). “Thanks to the support of the Baker-Polito Administration through efforts such as this, communities are able to act in ways that make a difference for our environment.”

“The success of our efforts to reduce carbon emissions depends on our ability to get people to switch to electric vehicles,” said State Senator Brendan Crighton (D-Lynn). “This funding will make it easier for people to make that change by creating eight EV charging ports throughout the Town of Marblehead. I commend all of the local officials and advocates for their hard work in this endeavor.”

“With 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Massachusetts coming from the transportation sector, promoting electric vehicle usage is an important part of reducing carbon emissions in the Commonwealth,” said State Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D-Gloucester). “As a coastal community, we know the pressing challenge that climate change, resulting from those emissions, presents to Cape Ann. With this new charging station, we will be offering a new opportunity for environmentally-conscious individuals to charge their electric vehicles and do their part to better the environment.”

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